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Unified Portal Experience

Project overview

At a glance

Responsibilities: Researcher, Information site architecture, Interaction Designer, Visual Designer

Platform: Web application

Methods: User interviews, product roadmapping, competitive analysis, sketching, wireframes, usability testing, branding, visual design, prototyping


The goal is to increase user engagement and productivity through an intuitive and organized portal for American Express developers. 

The scope was to redesign the information architecture of the entire portal, create high fidelity mock ups and a unified framework for all product landing pages including layouts , global elements and data structures.

Design problem

How might we help users navigate through Amex portal to complete their tasks and intuitively
access appropriate documentation to find relevant information?

Information architecture

We wanted to validate our proposed IA with users to ensure it was intuitive and scalable for the products. We recruited a different set of 15 users and provided them scenarios that utilized the IA structure. After minor rearrangements and adding connections between certain objects, we finalized the IA and moved to the UI.

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Sketching solutions

After providing the IA, we wanted to create a scalable navigation framework. I ideated on 3 concept variations that could possibly fit the context of all the users.


Building developer tools for a seamless development platform​

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